Saturday, September 10, 2016

On Friday we started off the day with a bang!  We were standing by the river visiting with a couple from Iowa when Jax started barking like crazy.  We looked across the river and saw a whole herd of  what we thought were deer with curved horns, coming down to the river to drink.  Even Jax's barking didn't scare them off, so we had plenty of time to take pictures.  Later we found out that they were actually Colorado Desert Bighorn Sheep.  I always thought Bighorn Sheep were short and stocky, but I guess not all varities are.  They were very majestic and the babies were so cute!

After lunch we went in to Salida to walk around the Historic District.  We kept seeing the huge dome of Tenderfoot Mountain,with a huge S on it, that looms over Salida.  There is a road leading up to it that is called Sprial Drive that you can drive, or many bike and hiking trails as well.  Locals say it's not cool to drive up, you have to hike or bike it.  Well, I guess we are not cool.  We decided to drive it.  It is just a dirt road, very steep and curvy (read that as scary).  From the road up there you have an amazing view of Salida and the surrounding area.  I don't think the pictures do it justice.

Next we went to a small lake called Sands Lake Bird Sanctuary.  There is a hiking trail around it, so we did that for our hike.  This lake is actually a resevoir for the Fish Hatchery run-off.  The water runs into it and then out to the Arkansas River.

Later in the evening we were visiting with neighbors from Florida and they were telling us about an even more spectacular (and scary) drive that we should take.. It is called Old Monarch Pass.  They said that the view from there rivals anything else we have seen.  Hmmm, may have to try it tomorrow.

In the morning I had put one of my Dump Meals in the crockpot.  I was so glad I had.  No need to cook, supper is ready.  If anyone is traveling for awhile I highly recommend this.  You do all the prep and mess at home, then bag it and freeze it.

Make as many as your camper freezer will hold.  Then all you have to do is dump it in the crockpot and go sightseeing.  Supper is ready when you get back.

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