Monday, January 30, 2017

Saturday January 29  Today we met Johnny and Shari in Kerrville, Tx .  We found a very eclectic gallery there called River's Edge Gallery.  It was fun and the gallery owner was great.  He and Johnny may have a business deal going on some cedar wood 😀  We had lunch at a great little place called Francisco's.  After lunch we decided to head on down to Bandera, Tx.  More shops and galleries, but nothing spectacular.  We had some delicious home-made pie, tho.  It was spectacular!  Then we all headed home.

Sunday, January 30, was a work day.  I did laundry and Pops worked on his new art piece (Kokopelli).

 After lunch, Pops went with a fellow RVer, Mark Cassell from Wichita, back to Kerrville to shoot some sporting clays.  They went to the the Hill Country Shooting Sports Center.  Unfortunately, the Sporting Clay course was closed, but they were able to shoot some 5-Stand.  It was a nice day.

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